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Free event in Central London - teachings and guided meditations - 10AM - 5PM

  • Date:04/05/2019 10:00 - 04/05/2019 17:00
  • Location 151 Talgarth Rd, London W14 9DA, Verenigd Koninkrijk (Map)
  • More Info:Venue: Colet House (The Study Society)


The Buddha spoke about the path of light when he was asked which path brought him to attain realization of bodhisattva-hood.

The Christ urged his disciples to seek the light in themselves and thus be a light for the world.

In the Hindu works such as the Upanishads it is written: “There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.” 

What is the path to the light then and how do we come to the ever deeper realization of what we really are? Can we truly experience that light and gradually grow and perpetuate this experience into a realization?

During this free event I will give teachings on the path of light which is a path to the depth of our own cosmic heart. There will be various guided meditations on the light and there will be sufficient time to ask questions in between. No previous experience is required, just a keen interest in the depth of your own reality.

PS: For those who wish, a healing can also be reserved after the event. A healing takes 1 hour and costs 70 GBP. Please send an email in advance.

About myself:

From childhood I was attracted to the spiritual and mystical side of life. An ardent desire to delve into the spiritual works and to approach the question of the meaning of life, brought about a gradual inner transformation. My deep wish is to share my experience and to contribute to those who are in search for the deeper reality behind the world of forms. I graduated as a medical doctor, but am a full-time esoteric teacher nowadays.